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- Ep 300. Happiness.
- Ep 299. Strangers in Paradise Pt. 2.
- Ep 298. Strangers in Paradise Pt. 1.
- Ep 297. Everything I know about publishing poetry.
- Ep 296. Gena Rowlands poetics.
- Ep 295. The Webb Moment.
- Ep 294. The American Ecstatic.
- Ep 293. Global overshare.
- Ep 292. The silly season.
- Ep 291. Bathroom seashells.
- Ep 290. Australian Gothic.
- Ep 289. Alpha Sandpit.
- Ep 288. Cuckoos, moons, sleeves, and silence.
- Ep 287. Live Poets Society.
- Ep 286. The wrong crowd.
- Ep 285. Martin Duwell: An honourable activity.
- Ep 284. Louise Carter and the Gilded Door.
- Ep 283. Tool time.
- Ep 282. Rae Armantrout: No arrow of time.
- Ep 281. David Brooks returns.
- Ep 280. It started recreational.
- Ep 279. Ania Walwicz’s Australia pt 2.
- Ep 278. A good start.
- Ep 277. George Mouratidis: Jelly and sewing machines.
- Ep 276. Ania Walwicz’s Australia pt 1.
- Ep 275. The blue smoke of the mind.
- Ep 274. Affinities and attentions.
- Ep 273. Submit.
- Ep 272. Eva Birch: What’s the tea?
- Ep 271. Love again.
- Ep 270. Jonathan Farmer: “I don’t think I love poetry.”
- Ep 269. Another ending.
- Ep 268. Duncan Hose: The dead talk.
- Ep 267. Writing for revenge.
- Ep 266. Poetry camp.
- Ep 265. The Internet is for poems.
- Ep 264. A poet of the future.
- Ep 263. Water-dragon blues.
- Ep 262. Ann-Marie Priest: Secret Gwen Harwood Business.
- Ep 261. Weird funemployment.
- Ep 260. Dom Symes: Trojan Horse of emotion.
- Ep 259. It means what it says.
- Ep 258. Grace Yee: I did not anticipate this.
- Ep 257. Heartbreak Voltron.
- Ep 256. Antarctica.
- Ep 255. Loose Unit.
- Ep 254. Antonia Pont: Good for nothing.
- Ep 253. Stake night.
- Ep 252. Geoff Page: The good, the bad, and the spondee.
- Ep 251. The Poet Eaters.
- Ep 250. A preference for abandon.
- Ep 249. Just because it’s Christmas.
- Ep 248. You.
- Ep 247. An absolutely ordinary poem.
- Ep 246. Desperate reassessment.
- Ep 245. Joel Deane: Making art in Sparta.
- Ep 244. Tradition and the Individual Snakebite.
- Ep 243. Pigs in the ocean.
- Ep 242. Joshua Mehigan: Otherness people.
- Ep 241. Jon Sands meets a fan.
- Ep 240. Hooroo to all that.
- Ep 239. Lunch with Eileen Myles.
- Ep 238. Awkward.
- Ep 237. Dorothy Porter’s Aeneas pt. 2.
- Ep 236. Sincerely, Caroline Williamson.
- Ep 235. Dorothy Porter’s Aeneas pt. 1.
- Ep 234. Not reading My Life.
- Ep 233. A pleasure out of hell.
- Ep 232. How to do it.
- Ep 231. On the couch with Alison J Barton.
- Ep 230. Matt Wall is sick of being angry.
- Ep 229. Vintage gossip.
- Ep 228. Ken Bolton: Generations telling each other jokes.
- Ep 227. Alison Flett: I don’t ken if I belong.
- Ep 226. Kinds of heartbreak.
- Ep 225. Inside Upswell Publishing.
- Ep 224. I can’t dance.
- Ep 223. Peter Bakowski: The gleaning process.
- Ep 222. Grilling Elijah Blumov.
- Ep 221. pi o and Collective Effort.
- Ep 220. Mostly horizontal.
- Ep 219. This is scripture.
- Ep 218. Maggie Ball on poetry competitions.
- Ep 217. To know is not to cure.
- Ep 216. Mindy Gill: Seeing multiplicities.
- Ep 215. The collapsing building.
- Ep 214. Stephen Edgar, man on the moon.
- Ep 213. Hot and bothered.
- Ep 212. Paul Kane: The view from the volcano.
- Ep 211. The gaps I mean.
- Ep 210. Barron Field has entered the chat.
- Ep 209. Funny ha ha.
- Ep 208. Lucy Dougan: Hedge school.
- Ep 207. Ask Me Anything.
- Ep 206. Small magic.
- Ep 205. Winnie Dunn on the realities of Australia.
- Ep 204. Being bad.
- Ep 203. Sarah Holland-Batt on the poems themselves.
- Ep 202. Who makes the poem?
- Ep 201. Haunted house of poetry.
- Ep 200. Anti-insights.
- Ep 199. Answered prayers.
- Ep 198. Felicity Plunkett on the poetry editor’s invisible work.
- Ep 197. Fury.
- Ep 196. James Jiang: A certain claustrophobia.
- Ep 195. Harry Reid: Poetry rocks.
- Ep 194. Learning to read.
- Ep 193. Prize fight.
- Ep 192. Erik Jensen: Intimacy and trespass.
- Ep 191. John Forbes, a Pastoral pt. 2
- Ep 190. John Forbes, a Pastoral pt. 1
- Ep 189. Tracy Ryan: Infinite pie.
- Ep 188. Ursula Robinson-Shaw: Beast Mode.
- Ep 187. Peak poetry.
- Ep 186. Sensitive New Right Guy.
- Ep 185. Big sad poetry friendship.
- Ep 184. Gareth Morgan: Vagabond.
- Ep 183. Poets on film (a tragedy).
- Ep 182. Nicholas Powell on taking cheeky seriously.
- Ep 181. Midwinter Day.
- Ep 180. Lucy Van on privacy, prizes, truth, and tennis.
- Ep 179. Solace and trash.
- Ep 178. Why do poetry journals keep rejecting me?
- Ep 177. Kate Middleton on the death of Luke Perry.
- Ep 176. Autumn Royal on the inescapable.
- Ep 175. Pam Brown returns.
- Ep 174. Eleanor vs. the Ocean Vuong Phenomenon.
- Ep 173. Follow the money.
- Ep 172. The Wizards of OzCo.
- Ep 171. People you’ve never heard of.
- Ep 170. Kent MacCarter: The publisher’s Kuiper Belt.
- Ep 169. No one missed poetry readings.
- Ep 168. Cassandra Atherton: On finding your people.
- Ep 167. Just like Scorsese.
- Ep 166. Rachael Nielsen: Quote unquote real poetry.
- Ep 165. This is why people hate poetry!
- Ep 164. Thabani Tshuma: It’s just gonna work out.
- Ep 163. A map, a memory, a seal.
- Ep 162. Rilke vs. Mondays.
- Ep 161. A deadly sin.
- Ep 160. What’s a poet?
- Ep 159. Shastra Deo: Pressure, persona & the ‘I’
- Ep 158. Matthew Buckley Smith: Angels and ministers of grace defend us!
- Ep 157. pov ur the hot ex.
- Ep 156. Quitting.
- Ep 155. Luke Beesley: There is no puzzle.
- Ep 154. The big sleep.
- Ep 153. Jennifer Compton: Poetry as Cassandra.
- Ep 152. Nonsense and crying.
- Ep 151. Peter Goldsworthy: ‘There are 25 million poets in this country.’
- Ep 150. Nerding out with my mate Eleanor.
- Ep 149. Maddie Godfrey on teaching & joy.
- Ep 148. Loki Liddle: ‘There are no Aboriginals in On The Road’
- Ep 147. Dan Hogan: ‘Somewhere a landlord is kissing another landlord.’
- Ep 146. Maxine Beneba Clarke: ‘Art does not live on art alone.’
- Ep 145. John Kinsella on community & empathy.
- Ep 144. Poetry Month preview.
- Ep 143. Impossible Machine.
- Ep 142. Ep-i-tha-la-mi-ums.
- Ep 141. Thuy On’s ‘Turbulence’.
- Ep 140. The poetry of insomnia.
- Ep 139. Ella O’Keefe on process, offcuts and going slow.
- Ep 138. Workshop.
- Ep 137. Christian Bök’s poetic moonshot.
- Ep 136. Bella Li on witches, genre, artistic control and her new collection.
- Ep 135. Prosody, decolonisation, Dickinson.
- Ep 134. Justin Clemens: The inbox at the end of the world.
- Ep 133. Michael Aiken: Working outside the lines.
- Ep 132. Anne-Marie Te Whiu: Weaving a moment.
- Ep 131. Fiona Wright: Beyond the narrative map.
- Ep 130. Letter from Melbourne, mid-October, 2020.
- Ep 129. The Empty Show: It exists!
- Ep 128. Oscar-worthy poems.
- Ep 127. Liam Ferney: Poetry is a galaxy.
- Ep 126. Michelle Cahill: A flowering of voices.
- Ep 125. Letter from Melbourne, mid-August, 2020.
- Ep 124. Gayatri Nair reports from Western Sydney.
- Ep 123. Hilda Morely’s Song of the Terrible.
- Ep 122. Antonia Pont: ‘Pessimism is very imprecise.’
- Ep 121. ‘Are all poets depressed?’
- Ep 120. Ellen van Neerven: Love poems, comfort and writing Throat.
- Ep 119. Hypochondria vs Poetry.
- Ep 118. Alison Whittaker on First Nations poetry and unanswerable questions.
- Ep 117. David Stavanger on community, self-care, burnout and dog minding.
- Ep 116. Daniel Swain on straight men and institutional absurdity.
- Ep 115. Michael Farrell and the swimming pool of poetry.
- Ep 114. On publication.
- Ep 113. On rejection.
- Ep 112. Laurie Duggan: ‘Fragments, fragments, thefts and blunders.’
- Ep 111. The poems that sustained me throughout 2019.
- Ep 110. Elena Gomez on Body of Work.
- Ep 109. The Frustration of Five Bells.
- Ep 108. Bonny Cassidy on image, history and reckoning.
- Ep 107. Revisiting Joanne Kyger.
- Ep 106. David Brooks on opening.
- Ep 105. e e cummings makes a surprise appearance.
- Ep 104. Pam Brown, skeptical optimist.
- Ep 103. Finally reading Donald Hall.
- Ep 102. Chris Wallace-Crabbe on his latest collection.
- Ep 101. Eleanor Smagarinsky on letting go of poetry books.
- Ep 100. Louise Carter interviews me!
- Ep 99. The off-mic chats poets have with me all have common themes…
- Ep 98. Jeanine Leane on education, representation and unasked questions.
- Ep 97. On my favourite poem, Dorothy Porter’s Lucky
- Ep 96. Eddie Paterson on trashiness and profundity.
- Ep 95. Frank O’Hara on his way to work.
- Ep 94. Claire Albrecht on Jorie Graham.
- Ep 93. Two beautiful, quiet poems by David Brooks.
- Ep 92. A very special reunion with Adam Ford.
- Ep 91. Kate Lilley’s anti-pastoral.
- Ep 90. A poem for broken friendships.
- Ep 89. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a List Poem.
- Ep 88. Joel Deane on writing and not writing.
- Ep 87. Sylvia Path, beekeeper.
- Ep 86. A.J. Carruthers on sound poetry and experimentalism.
- Ep 85. Paterson, Williams and women.
- Ep 84. Petra White on Ezekiel, motherhood, work and revision.
- Ep 83. Two not quite love poems by John Ashbery and David Herd.
- Ep 82. Grant Caldwell on one of my favourites, his poem I am not the trick of the flower.
- Ep 81. How to find a poetry mentor.
- Ep 80. Louise Carter dives back into Luke Davies’ Totem and Interferon Psalms.
- Ep 79. A Horatian ode, whatever that is.
- Ep 78. Lisa Gorton on Marianne Moore.
- Ep 77. Notes from a writing retreat.
- Ep 76. Will Druce on Lorca and O’Hara.
- Ep 75. Forget Rumi, Gertrude Stein is still here for you.
- Ep 74. Geraldine Burrowes on Michael Farrell and Claire Gaskin
- Ep 73. Inside a poetry workshop II: erasure, cut-ups and villanelles
- Ep 72. Anupama Pilbrow on the eve of leaving Melbourne.
- Ep 71. Writing an Easter sestina
- Ep 70. Claire Gaskin on Gig Ryan, specificity and emotion.
- Ep 69. Ern Malley’s birthday bash.
- Ep 68. Ali Alizadeh on power and influence in poetry.
- Ep 67. Poems for time-challenged people.
- Ep 66. Maggie Ball on what we read last summer and writing goals for the new year.
- Ep 65. Poems of solitary delights and a dash of Robert Creeley.
- Ep 64. Stuart Cooke on how he wrote his book Opera.
- Ep 63. Ed Tato on poems that must be spoken aloud.
- Ep 62. Amanda Anastasi on poetry at the mic.
- Ep 61. Dave Drayton on PMs and poetry demo tapes.
- Ep 60. John Blight’s advice for Aussie poets – from 1965.
- Ep 59. Melinda Bufton on everything from the lyric to lyrics, performance to feminism.
- Ep 58. On not writing. I could call it a ‘fallow period’ but it ain’t that fancy.
- Ep 57. Auden’s secret journal. It’s a fascinating story. So why can’t I make it a good poem?
- Ep 56. Getting published. Sean Wright has some good news and we both have tips.
- Ep 55. John Ashbery’s Your name here: A life in 14 lines.
- Ep 54. Alistair Baldwin on Spike Milligan and mastering the dreaded 100-word bio.
- Ep 53. Steve Wasserman on Wallace Stevens: Can poetry be used as a kind of medicine?
- Ep 52. Inside a poetry workshop with Benjamin Dodds and Mran-Maree Laing.
- Ep 51. Toby Fitch on Rimbaud and how he turned the French master upside-down.
- Ep 50. Poems (and quotes) about taking that first step towards making something.
- Ep 49. Gemma Mahadeo on Fred D’Aguiar, Ted Hughes, history and place.
- Ep 48. Benjamin Solah on Melbourne’s spoken word community.
- Ep 47. Jack Spicer and the idea of poetry as ‘dictation’.
- Ep 46. Imposter syndrome: Why do poets sometimes feel like frauds?
- Ep 45. Getting into poetry: Are ‘difficult’ poems really worth bothering with? (Plus a bonus day after first reading follow-up.)
- Ep 44. Anne Carson’s The Glass Essay: Convalescing on the Canadian moors.
- Ep 43. Teaching poetry in schools: O Captain, My Captain!
- Ep 42. Alan Wearne on Frank Stanford: A many more poets besides.
- Ep 41. A found poem: And the problem of anthologies.
- Ep 40. Ellen O’Brien on Alison Whittaker: A poem for those long hours spent in a Google spiral.
- Ep 39. Rhea Bhagat on Robin Coste Lewis and your new obsession, Riz Ahmed.
- Ep 38. Williams, Hayes, Parker, Zucker: A grab-bag around the theme ‘poetry and the news’.
- Ep 37. Magdalena Ball on Samuel Wagan Watson and the event that stopped her novel in its tracks.
- Ep 36. Poetry basics – Rhyme: Once you know what to look for, it’s all over the place.
- Ep 35. Corey Wakeling on Michael Farrell: The comedy that is Australia and what it’s like to leave it all behind.
- Ep 34. Poetry basics – Rhythm: What it is, how to find it and whether to worry about it.
- Ep 33. Jessica Wilkinson on Susan Howe: Why poetry sometimes tells more than a straightforward biography.
- Ep 32. Cid Corman: A prolific poet who knew how to make room for questions.
- Ep 31. Robin Wallace-Crabbe on Hartmann Wallis: Reminder: making art can actually be fun.
- Ep 30. Eleanor Smagarinsky on Charles Bernstein: Julio Iglesias makes a guest appearance.
- Ep 29. Molly Silverstein on Maggie Nelson: Another perspective on Maggie and making time for poems.
- Ep 28. Poetry on the TV: This ain’t no dead poets society.
- Ep 27. Tricia Dearborn on Maggie Nelson: Why poetry should be a pleasure, not a duty.
- Ep 26. R D Wood on Aboriginal song poetry and what Australia looks like from afar.
- Ep 25. Post-election grab bag: In New York, wishing poetry wasn’t suddenly so relevant.
- Ep 24. Rob Wilson on Benjamin Frater: A fantastical political murder and the realities of the writing life.
- Ep 23. Jill Jones: Not all poems have to be about love and/or death.
- Ep 22. R. A. Villanueva on Jack Gilbert: Taking a closer look at a poem on ‘stubborn gladness’.
- Ep 21. Adrienne Rich: Wildness and patience, coexisting.
- Ep 20. Sophie Mayer on Allison Hedge Coke: Interconnectedness, ‘feminine’ forms, the poetry bubble – all the way through to Transparent.
- Ep 19. Hannah Gamble: A poem about distance, proximity, words failing and secrets growing.
- Ep 18. SB Wright on Kay Ryan: The time it takes to go from first draft to published.
- Ep 17. Olena Kalytiak Davis: An Alaskan poet who insists: ‘I was minor’.
- Ep 16. Benjamin Dodds on Russell Edson: A poem that may leave you queasy.
- Ep 15. Getting into poetry: No secret password required. Your opinion is legit!
- Ep 14. Lisa Brockwell on Dorothy Porter and Kathleen Jamie: Two poems that celebrate the strength of girlhood.
- Ep 13. Edward Thomas: A little experiment on a tough, quiet WWI poem.
- Ep 12. Robbie Coburn on Phillip Larkin: How an early dose of Poe sent Robbie down the poetry rabbit hole.
- Ep 11. Stuart Barnes on Sylvia Plath: Diving deep into Ariel. Is it a perfect poem?
- Ep 10. Ted Berrigan: Proof that we’re all free to interpret poems as we wish. No Poetry Police in sight.
- Ep 9. Loma and Walt Whitman: Sometimes you need to read poetry instead of the news.
- Ep 8. Louise Carter on Carol Ann Duffy and Luke Davies: On two poetry heroes (and meeting one of them).
- Ep 7. Michele Seminara on Elizabeth Bishop: The beauty of slow and steady.
- Ep 6. Judith Wright: Ever love a poem a bit too much? …me neither.
- Ep 5. Basho: People were failing at mindfulness long before it was hashtag.
- Ep 4: Cristina Haraba on Mihai Eminescu: On Romania’s multi-layered national poet.
- Ep 3. Jane Kenyon: Happiness is a slippery little sucker.
- Ep 2. Sonya Tsakalakis on Charlotte Mew: Tragedy and courage in Bloomsbury.
- Ep. 1. Gertrude Stein: Surprisingly good in a crisis.