Ep 233. A pleasure out of hell

The Last Days of Foxtrot.

Elijah’s episode on Hart Crane

Upcoming courses at the Melbourne School of Literature

Come to the launch of Golden Repair!

Ep 229. Vintage gossip

My Tongue is My Own: A Life of Gwen Harwood by Ann-Marie Priest

The Literature of Australia edited by Geoffrey Dutton

Evan Jones

Norman Lindsay

Vision, A Literary Quarterly

Hugh McRae

Francis Webb

Judith Wright

Rosemary Dobson

Vincent Buckley

Five Bells by Kenneth Slessor

Eps on Slessor: 109 & 199

Fix by Michael Dransfield

Drowned Person by Rosemary Dobson

Elijah & I talk Harwood

Night Flight by Gwen Harwood

Music: O! Sydney I Love You by Len Maurice, The Four of Us are Dying by Nine Inch Nails

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Listen to SLEERICKETS, Darling