Ep 287. Live Poets Society

Giving the kids their boring magic.

Show notes

Jonathan Farmer

Matthew Buckley Smith

Church Going by Philip Larkin

Why Poetry is Making a Comeback in Schools on Mindshift/KQED

Ode to Kool-Aid by Marcus Jackson

In Praise of Okra by January Gill O’Neil

Root Cellar by Theodore Roethke

Gwendolyn Brooks

Elizabeth Bishop

Shane McCrae

Gabrielle Calvocoressi

The Moose by Elizabeth Bishop

The Orange by Wendy Cope

R. A. Villanueva

Shel Silverstein

Button Poetry


Terrance Hayes

Molly’s Game (2017)

Greg Williamson

Ep 128. Oscar-worthy poems (on how movies portray poetry teachers)

the dead poets society hangover cure project

Spring and Fall (not “Margaret”) by Gerard Manley Hopkins (not Donne)

Margaret (2011)

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS