Ep 251. The Poet Eaters

Look at this ‘graph.

Show notes

My interview with Aaron Irwin

The Poet Tasters by Ben Etherington

milk and honey by Rupi Kaur

Kate Baer

Peter Craven

Martin Duwell’s Australian Poetry Review

Ep 196. James Jiang: A certain claustrophobia

The journals: Cordite, Australian Book Review, Rochford Street Review, Mascara, Southerly, Rabbit, Sydney Review of Books, Quadrant, foam:e, Meanjin, Westerly

If Selfies Could Talk by Elese Dowden

Leave Me Alone by Harry Reid

The Jaguar by Sarah Holland-Batt

Novelties by Fiona Hile

Body Poems by Anupama Pilbrow

You Deserve Happiness But I Deserve More by Daniel Swain

Unbidden: Settler Poetry in the Presence of Indigenous Sovereignty by Bonny Cassidy

Fishing for Lightning: The spark of poetry by Sarah Holland-Batt

Hate poetry? This impressive book might just change your mind by Geoff Page

Ratbag Poetics 19. pio’s poetry tour and some overland poems

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 250. A preference for abandon

My sign is vital, my hands are cold.

Show notes

I have a new mic setup and can hear I need to use my pop screen. I will.

I’m so over you, LRB podcast

The Best of Australian Poems 2023

Eat Carpet

David Sims’ Letterboxd reviews

SLEERICKETS Ep 1: That Poetry Voice

Louise Glück reading The Wild Iris

T.S. Eliot reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Ezra Pound reading Hugh Selwyn Mauberly

Robert Lowell reading Skunk Hour

Button Poetry

Ep 241 with Jon Sands

Mahogany L. Browne performing Blurred Vision

Glück’s article Against Sincerity

The Best American Poetry, 1993

Groucho Marx reading Eliot

Helena Bonham Carter reading her favourite poem

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 248. You

Staring at the sky, spinning in a circle.

Ep. 246. on Spotify Wrapped etc.

Grant Theft Auto IV

Dorothy Porter

John Forbes

The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics

Didion’s quote about writing as a hostile act

Ep. 157 pov u r the hot ex

Versed by Rae Armantrout

Glass and God by Anne Carson

I’ll Come When Thou Art Saddest by Emily Bronte

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 247. An absolutely ordinary poem

Alice gets really angry at a flower.

Show notes

The fucking flower

An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow by Les Murray

The Sydney Push

The Barron Field Experience: On Fascism (the unfuckable bodies edition)

Barron Field x Poetry Says

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 246. Desperate reassessment

Three parts lunatic, one part yahoo, and one part potentially human.

Show notes

Spotify Wrapped

Greek Tragedy by The Wombats

Australian Poetry Now edited by Thomas Shapcott

St Helens Books

Sun Books and their impressive catalogue

Barjai looks pretty cool

Poets from this anthology I’ve talked about/to/around: Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Max Harris, Les Murray, Vicki Viidikas, John Tranter, Robert Adamson

Sometimes Gladness by Bruce Dawe

Alan Riddell’s The Affair

An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow by Les Murray

Francis Webb

Roger McDonald

Earth Hour by David Malouf

John Forbes: A Pastoral Pt 1

Recent SLEERICKETS appearances: 127: The Mercy Rule & 128: First Thought Sexiest Thought

Send me your silly poetry questions for my Christmas episode: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 245. Joel Deane: Making art in Sparta

Alice is very angry at Bill Harwood.

Show notes

Joel Deane’s recent books Judas Boys and Year of the Wasp

The Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize

Ken Babstock

Belfast Confetti by Ciaran Carson

C. K. Williams

Helen Garner’s Yellow Notebook

The Nicholas Building

Kintsugi by Isi Unikowski

Ep 244. on Harpur

The Pioneer by Frederick McCubbin

Home is so Sad by Philip Larkin

Send me your silly poetry questions for my Christmas episode: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 244. Tradition and the Individual Snakebite

“The chances of death are very small.”

Show notes

Ep. 200 Anti-insights

The Monkey’s Mask is available at Gertrude and Alice

A primer of English versification by James McAuley

My Tongue Is My Own: A Life of Gwen Harwood by Ann-Marie Priest

A Midsummer Noon in the Australian Forest by Charles Harpur

The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Paterson

How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The Charles Harpur Critical Archive

Harpur in anthologies

This is a Christmas beetle

Penguin Book of Australian Verse edited by Harry Heseltine (turns out I’ve been saying his name wrong)

A rill

Acute Misfortune

Sense Shape Symbol: An Investigation of Australian Poetry edited by Brian Keyte

Woman to Man by Judith Wright

The Broad Bean Sermon by Les Murray

Brendan Casey

Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s sick bag poems

The line from Forbes’ Rrose Selavy is “Julie breathing like a t-shirt after a swim”

Dropbear by Evelyn Araluen

Ken Bolton

Pam Brown

Barron Field in New South Wales: The Poetics of Terra Nullius by Thomas H. Ford and Justin Clemens

Q & A with Justin Clemens and Thomas H. Ford

Send me your silly poetry questions for my Christmas episode: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 243. Pigs in the ocean

Inbox Zero.

Show notes

James Schuyler

This Dark Apartment

Ken Bolton & Peter Bakowski’s recent books Nearly Lunch, The Elsewhere Variations, On Luck Street & Waldo’s Game

Vale David Ferry

Matthew & I talk Horace

The Epistles of Horace

Grandfather advised me by Lorine Niedecker

The Poetry Foundation’s Ars Poetica

Send me Christmas episode questions! poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Ep 242. Joshua Mehigan: Otherness people

TV party tonight!

Show notes

Joshua Mehigan

Brooklyn Poets

Josh’s poems Cold Turkey & The Cement Plant

The Optimist (2004) & Accepting the Disaster (2014)

Josh’s essay I Thought You Were A Poet


Ep 217. To know is not to cure (on obsession)

Ep 222. with Elijah


Johnny Tremain

Josh’s essay on his friendship with Edgar Bowers, Introduction to Poetry

Dick Davis

Gotham Book Mart

For Louis Pasteur & Amor Vincit Omnia by Edgar Bowers

Donald Justice

Catherine Tufariello

Josh on SLEERICKETS & a poem of his on Versecraft

King Lear

Thomas M. Disch

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com