Ep 35. Corey Wakeling: Having fun with the ANZAC

Two larrikins asking what you’re into, Merlions toasting at your table, a pig showing off – Australia is pretty hilarious when you think about it…

I’m so grateful to Corey Wakeling for walking me through the fantastic Michael Farrell poem ‘An Australian Comedy’ in this episode, which you can find in his 2015 collection Cocky’s Joy.

We also talk about another Farrell collection, Break Me Ouch, along with what it’s like to move away from your poetic community after finding your place, and Corey’s upcoming visit to Oz.

Ep 34. Poetry basics: Got rhythm?

When my friend asked me to explain how rhythm works in poetry I thought I’d have no trouble…until I opened my poetry encyclopedia.

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And if you’re keen, a little more on those fascinating names for feet and metre.

Ep 33. Jessica Wilkinson on poetic biography

How do you tell a life story through a poem? For Jessica Wilkinson, poetry can go much further than straightforward biography. In this interview she talks about discovering Susan Howe, working with (not against) a self-confessed short attention span, and founding the fantastic Rabbit poetry journal.

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Ep 32. Cid Corman’s poetry of blank spaces

Cid Corman isn’t afraid to ask unanswerable questions or to leave most of a page blank. In today’s episode he’s asking the question straight up: ‘Is this a poem?’

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Ep 31. Robin Wallace-Crabbe: ‘Art can be a lot of fun’

Robin Wallace-Crabbe describes himself as ‘a dear little old man’ but I’m sure you won’t be fooled by that for long. Welcome back to Poetry Says for 2017 and welcome to the world of Hartmann Wallis, poet and white lightning enthusiast.

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