Ep 214. Stephen Edgar, man on the moon

“I just persisted.”

Show notes

Stephen Edgar

Where the Trees Were

Lost in the Foreground

Stephen’s new and selected The Strangest Place won the 2021 PM’s literary award for poetry

Joshua Mehigan

18 Poems by Dylan Thomas

Once again, A. D. Hope

Gwen Harwood

Clive James

Phillip Hodgins

Anthony Hecht

Quadrant (wow.)

Stephen’s poems Man on the Moon and Mind out of Matter

Martin Johnston

John Tranter

Stephen interviewed by A.M. Juster in Plough


Jaya Savige

Poetry Says What? with Matt Wall

Email me at poetysayspod[at]gmail.com

Ep 213. Hot and bothered

“Ana is an inexperienced college student tasked with interviewing enigmatic billionaire Christian Grey…”

Show notes

Look at all these straightforward interviews you could listen to!

In Our Time, John Donne


The one about fury

The Close Readings podcast

Just the romance section of Mills & Boon

Various Sappho 130s

Holy Sonnet 14 by Donne

I’m very into you: Correspondence 1995–1996 by Kathy Acker and McKenzie Wark

Love and Fuck Poems by Koraly Dimitriadis

The Shirt by Jane Kenyon

The Savage Lovecast

Her Clever Hand is from The Monkey’s Mask by Dorothy Porter

CAConrad’s annual sexiest poetry award

Harriet’s entries on the Earl of Rochester and Nerve.com

The Platonic Blow by W. H. Auden

Recreation by Audre Lorde

The Balcony by David Brooks

An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow by Les Murray

Absolute sexpot Thomas Hardy

Ep 212. Paul Kane: The view from the volcano

A different take on the Aussie renaissance.

Paul Kane’s book Australian Poetry: Romanticism and Negativity

Judith Wright

Gwen Harwood

Paul is awarded the Order of Australia

A. D. Hope 

Les Murray

John Kinsella

Ali Alizadeh interviews Paul Kane

Phillip Hodgins

Martin Duwell reviews Paul Kane’s A Slant of Light

Richard Howard

Elizabeth Bishop

Mark Strand

Vincent Buckley

A Passing Bell, Ghazals for Tina by Paul Kane

Bryan Cooke’s essay Dilapidations in an Emergency: Thoughts on an Obscurantist Apocalypse

Elijah’s show Versecraft

Jam by Aparna Mitra

Marc Maron’s From Bleak to Dark

Austin Warren

Intro/outro: Rails by Bing and Ruth

I love emails: poetrysayspod [at] gmail.com

I love this show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 211. The gaps I mean

Emails! Fame, errors, legacy, glamour.

Once again, The Lyre in the Pawnshop by Fay Zwicky

Jan Zwicky

You Must Believe in Spring by Bill Evans

Antilamentation by Dorianne Laux

Ken Bolton

Ep 209. Funny ha ha

Robert Adamson’s poems for Joanne Kyger

The New American Poetry edited by Donald Allen (imagine if it was edited by Donald Hall though!)

Essential Gossip: Allen Ginsberg, Robert Duncan and U.S.-Australian Poetics by Brendan Casey

Kris Hemensley

Versecraft by Elijah Blumov

A. D. Hope

The Ascension of Sheep, Collected Poems Volume One (1980-2005) by John Kinsella

Drawn from Life: The Memoirs of John Olsen

Five Bells by John Olsen

My Salute to Five Bells by John Olsen

Five Bells by Kenneth Slessor

Gwen Harwood

Bonny Cassidy reads and discusses Harwood’s Barn Owl

Matt is Matt Wall

Speed, a Pastoral by John Forbes

Ep 169. No one missed poetry readings

Next sick leave is on Feb 24

Weaving Sundown In A Scarlet Light – Fifty Poems For Fifty Years by Joy Harjo

Pathetic Literature edited (?) by Eileen Myles

Email me, babe! poetrysayspod [at] gmail.com

Listen to this, darls! SLEERICKETS

Ep 210. Barron Field has entered the chat

Come on, boffins!

…show notes?!

The Barron Field Experience is Justin Clemens, Adam Bartlett & Bryan Cooke

Plato loves the drama

Justin Clemens’ new book A Foul Wind

Michel de Certeau 

John Forbes, one-liner queen

Francis Bacon’s idea of The Great Instauration

Poetry readings

Forms of rot

The State

Perpetual reform 

Tech bros

The new Tesla has wipers 

My previous chat with Justin 

Yes, Marx.

Nothing is safe 


Ah yes. Les Murray.

Poets just want to be loved

It’s laurel time

Plato’s apology

Pindaric odes

The Monkey’s Mask & Akhenaten by Dorothy Porter 

Poet as divine idiot 

The vaguely muffled scream 

Bad bad 70s philosophers


Damn, people loved that chat with James Jiang 

War machines

Evelyn Araluen

Ali Alizadeh

Lionel Fogerty 

Badiou’s encounter 

Socrates isn’t really anything

Just & unjust cities

They know about the transference!

Susie Orbach’s The Impossibility of Sex 

I totally didn’t ask about Barron Field at all

My EAP is Pascal’s sphere

Managers as parents 

I would prefer not to.


For real though listen to the one with Antonia Pont 

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

More hyper intelligent fury: SLEERICKETS

Ep 209. Funny ha ha

“And who are you here with tonight?”

Show notes

Judith Lucy vs Men
Close Readings Live: The Waste Land
The Jindyworobaks
A Midsummer Noon in the Australian Forest by Charles Harpur
News of the Sun by Rex Ingamells
Yarra Cottage Books in Warrandyte
A D Hope
The Malley Hoax
Terra Australis by James McAuley
In The Park by Gwen Harwood
Municipal Gum by Oodgeroo Noonuccal
The New Australian Poetry by John Tranter
Thomas Shapcott’s ABR review of the above
The Oxford Book of Modern Australian Verse edited by Peter Porter
Laurie Duggan
The Epigrams of Martial
Admonition by John Forbes
Bill Hicks
Admit the Joyous Passion of Revolt by Elena Gomez
Superette by Melinda Bufton
Damon Albarn’s eyes
Dropbear by Evelyn Araluen

Ep 208. Lucy Dougan: Hedge school

Wagging with the Westralians.

Show notes

Lucy Dougan’s books Monster Field, The Guardians & White Clay
Giramondo Publishing
Andrea Arnold
Wasp (2003)
Fish Tank (2009)
American Honey (2016)
Wuthering Heights (2011)
Spawn (1997)
Barbara Pym
Fay Zwicky
Crawling Across Tram Tracks: Extracts from Volumes 5 & 6 of Fay Zwicky’s Journal
‘I Am a Chthonic Poet’: Fay Zwicky and the Writing under the Writing by Lucy Dougan
Tim Burstall
Terri-ann White
The Collected Poems of Fay Zwicky edited by Lucy Dougan & Tim Dolin
John Tranter
Robert Adamson
Pam Brown
Kate Lilley
Robert Creeley
The Barbarian Invasions (2003)
Jean Kent
joanne burns
The Banshees of Inisherin (2022)
Intro/outro: Lights On A Leash by CIVL CIVIC

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
A poetry podcast from way over east: SLEERICKETS

Ep 207. Ask Me Anything

Hang on, I’m telling a story.

To recap:

I like Philip’s poems

All hail Queen Joan

Do not sign up for Letterboxd under any circumstances

Yes I watched Showgirls (1995)

You Don’t Nomi (2019) is pretty good

Jan Zwicky’s Lyric Philosophy sounds like a smart book

I’ve never read any Robert Bly

I mispronounced Tomas Tranströmer (I also said “similar” when I meant “dissimilar”)

Joshua Mehigan’s Cold Turkey forever

In my mind Ethan lives inside the show Siesta Key

Shut up Morrissey

If you like You Cooked For Me you’ll love Tori’s intro to the live version of Sugar

Is Luke Davies busy or just not into me?

Seriously do not ask me about Merlin you will regret it

How”s My punctuation bruz>?

Ugh John Forbes is such a Bukowski

Imagine avoiding a song like Training Montage

Rich’s Integrity isn’t perfect but it is excellent

Christ, the Savage Lovecast is still going

The Body Politic robbed me of precious sleep

Stop listening and watch Old Joy (2006)

Ok now go listen to SLEERICKETS

Music by my girlfriend Laura

Ep 206. Small magic

Rabbit, where’d you put the keys, girl?

Show notes

Ask me anything! poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

A Primer of English Versification by James McAuley

Joshua Mehigan

The White Lotus theme song

Mascara Literary Review

To the Bramble and the Briar: Poems by Steve Scafidi

Ep 197. on Fury

The Jaguar by Sarah Holland-Batt

Jan Zwicky

The Lyre in the Pawnshop by Fay Zwicky

Derek DelGaudio’s In & Of Itself (2020)

Pam Brown

Ken Bolton

Rae Armantrout


Dorothy Porter

Terrance Hayes

Les Murray

Yellow Notebook: Diaries Volume I 1978–1987 by Helen Garner

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen

Five Bells by Kenneth Slessor

Mending Wall by Robert Frost

Music: The Blue Cathedral by Talvihorros + Paul Daniels

Ep 205. Winnie Dunn: The realities of Australia

“It seemed like such a far-fetched notion that I could make something of myself as an artist…”

Show notes

Ask me anything! poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Good poetry podcasts Versecraft and Close Readings (and SLEERICKETS, of course)

Sweatshop Literacy Movement

Another Australia edited by Winnie Dunn (Affirm Press, 2022)

L-FRESH the Lion

Dr Michael Mohammed Ahmad

The Mother Wound by Amani Haydar

Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

The Big Black Thing: Chapter 1 edited by Michael Mohammed Ahmad, Winnie Dunn and Ellen van Neerven

Sweatshop Women

Winnie Dunn on The Garret

White Nation & Against Paranoid Nationalism by Professor Ghassan Hage

Arab, Australian, Other: Stories on Race and Identity edited by Randa Abdel-Fattah and Sara Saleh

The Growing Up series published by Black Inc.

Meet Me at the Intersection edited by Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina

Flock: First Nations Stories Then and Now edited by Ellen van Neerven

Nardi Simpson

Ep 132. with Anne-Marie Te Whiu

Moana Jackson

Ep. 124. with Gayatri Nair

Chris Liley (remember him?)

bell hooks

Cordite’s BROWNFACE issue