Ep 224. I can’t dance

Show me your pasodoble!

Show notes

None other than Matt Wall
Look at all those chickens
Elijah’s show Versecraft
The Case for Metre and Rhyme: Part 1 & Part 2
Bernadette slams old-school tools
Friend of the show Liam Ferney
Dropping Leaflets by Jena Osman
Tinx explains why we’re dating all wrong
Important meme 4 Anna
Robert Bly
SLEERICKETS Ep 110: Both Sides Eventually, ft. Alexis Sears
Louise Carter’s Golden Repair
Nathan Curnow
Two free verse ratbags discuss formal poetry
Phil Collins flubs at Live Aid
You’re a gutless wonder!

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Matthew explains why we’re dating all wrong: SLEERICKETS

Ep 223. Peter Bakowski: The gleaning process

Plus, the poetry workshop comes to Berghain.

Peter Bakowski
The Gleaners and I (2000)
Anne Sexton
Robert Frost
Schopenhauer sez: “One should use common words to say uncommon things”
Billy Collins
Charles Bukowski
St Kilda
Geoff Dyer
Brendan Ryan
Phillip Hodgins
Geoff Page
Dorothy Porter
Australia Council for the Arts come at me
Ep 187. Peak poetry
Anthem for a Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen
In Our Time on Wilfred Owen

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Further your education: SLEERICKETS

Ep 222. Grilling Elijah Blumov

I love you, Leigh Sales.

Show notes

Elijah’s podcast Versecraft

Gwen Harwood

Harwood’s poem Prize-Giving 

The Apollonian/Dionysian dichotomy

The Case for Metre and Rhyme: Part 1 & Part 2

Intro/outro: 7:30 report closing theme

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
More Elijah, more arguing: SLEERICKETS

Ep 221. pi o and Collective Effort

“Anarchists have to write their own history.”

Show notes

The WAYWARD FORWARD exhibition

Collective Effort Press

Π.O.’s books include 24 Hours, Fitzroy: the biography & Heide

Sandy Caldow

Peter Murphy

Victoria Perin

Jas Duke 




The Third World Bookshop

The Source and Whole Earth Bookstore


Robert Rooney

Nicholas Zurbrugg 

Off the Record

Ania Walwicz

Kenneth Slessor

Ep 220. Mostly horizontal

Convalescence correspondence.

Show notes

Causeway (2022)

Ep 215. The collapsing building

Ep 219. This is scripture

Liam Ferney’s article ‘I wrote this one and I know it ain’t great’: The Disruptive Poetry of Songwriting

Lucinda Williams’ article on Frank Stanford

Ep 42. Alan Wearne on Frank Stanford

Sarah Holland-Batt’s books Aria & The Jaguar

Ep 203. with Sarah Holland-Batt

The Stella Prize

Tim Relf

The UK Poetry Society

The Long and the Short podcast (I love you guys but I hate that this is behind a paywall come on now LRB)

Barron Field in NSW: The Poetics of Terra Nullius by Thomas H Ford & Justin Clemens

Ep 211. with the Barron Field Experience

Justin’s Radio National interview and Arena article

Ep 217. on obsession

Zara Raab

Harry Reid’s poem One Foot in the Harbour

Ep 209. Funny ha ha

Adam Ford

Thomas Shapcott’s review of The New Australian Poetry/Stalin’s Holidays

Vale John Tranter

Brendan Casey

Tranter’s poems Famous Poet Jets Home to USA and Young Folly

Intro/outro: Piffy on a Rock by Hypermagic

Email me here: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Listen to more Matthew here: SLEERICKETS

Ep 218. Maggie Ball on poetry competitions

It’s just like the Oscars!

Maggie Ball’s books include her new collection Bobish
Puncher & Wattmann
The Compulsive Reader
I Love Poetry by Michael Farrell
Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein
Green Light by Kenneth Fearing
Anupama Pilbrow
Moon Wrasse by Willo Drummond
Ep 198. with Felicity Plunkett
Like To The Lark by Stuart Barnes
The Montreal International Poetry Prize
The Newcastle Poetry Prize
Hunter Writers Centre
Jill Jones
TW brief ChatGPT chat
Ep 209. Funny ha ha
John Donne
Of An Age (2022)
Music: Thank You Card by Gladie

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
That show we mentioned is SLEERICKETS

Ep 217. To know is not to cure

I’ve got 500 in twenties…

Show notes

The Swimmer by John Cheever

The Trip to Echo Spring by Olivia Lange

City Middle by The National

Voss by Patrick White

Gerard Manley Hopkins

To A Lady Seen For A Few Moments At Vauxhall by John Keats

I Thought You Were a Poet by Joshua Mehigan

If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso by Gertrude Stein

As opera, with drums and remixed (and with Kathy Bates!)

Elijah makes Versecraft

Amor Vincit Omnia by Edgar Bowers

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Hart to my Cohle: SLEERICKETS

Ep 216. Mindy Gill: Seeing multiplicities

“What is the thing that is blocking the person from engaging with the work itself?”

Show notes

Mindy Gill’s article Till ‘real voices’ wake us, and we drown: The mire of identity politics

Sarah Holland-Batt

That conversation about Audre Lorde is on SLEERICKETS

The Sweatshop anthology Racism and Mindy’s review

Jaya Savige

The Boat by Nam Le

My review of Writing to the Wire in Mascara

James Jiang

The Lionel Shriver imbroglio

Peril magazine

Eleanor Jackson

Liminal magazine

Zadie Smith’s Fascinated to Presume: In Defense of Fiction 

Robert Lowell

Intro/outro: Lights On A Leash by CIVL CIVIC

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Heaps more where that came from: SLEERICKETS

Ep 215. The collapsing building

I heart Canberra.

For anyone who ever hung out at Impact without ever buying anything, caught the 333 to Civic instead of going to school, met a friend at the Goon Bag, kissed someone in the Woden bus interchange, drove up Mount Ainslie on a Saturday night, rode a shopping trolley down the Dickson stormwater drain, or had their best party ever in someone’s mum’s kitchen.

Thank you Miranda Lello, Aaron Kirby, Julian Fleetwood, Jonathan & Stu. I owe you all a drink at Toast.