Ep 86. A.J. Carruthers on sound poetry and experimentalism

I suspect this chat with A.J. Carruthers about experimental poetry in Australia will kick start your next poem. We cover a lot of ground, from defining sound poetry to whether experimental work needs more recognition. But my favourite moment is when A.J. says: ‘Poetry is not a profession. It doesn’t profess, but it does. It’s about doing and about being with.’

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Ep 85. Paterson, Williams and women

My incredibly late take on the movie Paterson and a look at Paterson, the poem. Does it matter that William Carlos Williams’ women are often merely decorative? That one of his most famous poems is about stealing his wife’s breakfast? And should Jim Jarmusch have done better by his female lead?

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Ep 84. Petra White on the Bible and the office

I spoke with Petra White as she was preparing to leave Melbourne for London about her books Reading for a Quiet Morning (GloriaSMH Press, 2017) and A Hunger (John Leonard Press, 2014). We also covered whether it’s interesting to write about motherhood, the impossibility of writing at the office, and that one time I met Petra at Collected Works (and couldn’t remember the title of that poem of hers I liked).

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Ep. 83 Two not quite love poems

Maybe it’s just me, but I think there’s some overlap between Ashbery’s Some Trees David Herd’s 3 notes towards a love song (from his book All Just). Both are something like love poems that also allow for things ‘to be difficult between us’.

Another shoutout here to Al Filries and the ModPo gang for introducing me to Some Trees all those years ago. (And check out David Herd’s John Ashbery’s Humane Abstractions for a better explanation of his ideas on ‘dislocated space’.)

Ep 82. Grant Caldwell on ‘I am not the trick of the flower’

I’ve been on Grant Caldwell’s trail since I came across his poem ‘I am not the trick of the flower’ over a decade ago. In this episode I track him down at the University of Melbourne to finally ask him about this poem along with things like writing from the position of the ‘privileged white male’ and whether it matters if our work ever sees the light of day.

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Ep 81. Poetry mentors, poetry friends

Writing poetry shouldn’t be a ‘solitary pursuit’. Here’s how I finally found a poetry mentor, why the mentor-mentee relationship is valuable (and troubled) and why you should be sending drafts (and poems you love) to your friends.

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Ep. 80 Louise Carter: Totem vs. Interferon Psalms

I first spoke to Sydney poet Louise Carter about Luke Davies two years ago. Since then we’ve talked imposter syndrome and had many a cathartic poetry-related chat away from the mic. This time around, we dive deeper into Davies’ work, looking at Totem and Interferon Psalms from new angles.

Ep 79. A Horatian Ode for gin drinkers

I stumbled on J.D. McClatchy’s Late Night Ode very much by chance, but now it feels essential to me. It turns out it’s a Horatian ode about getting older and letting go (or attempting to).

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Ep 78. Lisa Gorton on Marianne Moore

What more can I say? Having this chat was a long-held dream come true. Listen as poet and novelist Lisa Gorton puts Moore’s poetic career in a broader context, discusses what libraries should really be doing with the poetry books they throw out, and what it’s like to make the final calls on a ‘Best’ collection.

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