Ep 136. Bella Li: ‘What went we out into this wilderness to find?’

Open Bella Li’s collections Argosy or Lost Lake and you’ll immediately be struck by the beauty of her imagery. In this chat, recorded on a rainy Melbourne afternoon, I check in with Bella after the year that was. We discuss how and why she works with the materials she does, her relationships to both poetry and genre, and get a sneak preview of her new collection.

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Ep 135. I’m feeling very iambic today

Thoughts on a workshop I got to do with Brooklyn Poets, led by the amazing Jay Deshpande, on prosody and the decolonisation thereof. Also on Emily Dickinson and her poem Because I could not stop for Death.

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Ep 134. Justin Clemens: The inbox at the end of the world

I got to speak with Justin Clemens—Melbourne poet and academic—in person in mid-February 2021. Melbourne had just come out of a five-day hard lockdown, Facebook had recently wiped news in Australia, the tennis was still happening…what a time to be alive! We go everywhere in this conversation, from Justin’s book The Mundiad to the work of contemporary poets, then all the way back to 15th century France.

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Ep 133. Michael Aiken: Working outside the lines

Describing Michael Aiken as a ‘poet’ only tells a tiny part of his story—Michael’s creative interests span everything from fiction writing to video games. Last year, all those interests came together in Sydney’s Newtown, where Michael now runs Garden Lounge Creative Space. We talk about what it’s been like to get Garden Lounge up and running (and to keep it going during 2020), along with the bigger issues surrounding this kind of work when it comes to gatekeeping, inclusivity and diversity.

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Ep 132. Anne-Marie Te Whiu: Weaving a moment

If you haven’t yet come across Anne-Marie Te Whiu‘s writing, you’ve definitely felt the ripple effects of her work in poetry. She co-edited UQP’s Solid Air, Australia and New Zealand Spoken Word, co-directed the Queensland Poetry Festival from 2015-17, and this year we’ll see the publication of Whisper Songs by Tony Birch, which Annie also edited. In this episode we talk creative side-hustles, building genuine relationships, the value of the slow burn, becoming a ‘no’ person, and hear about an exciting new project coming mid-2021.

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Ep 131. Fiona Wright: Beyond the narrative map

Fiona Wright’s work resists classification in the best way. Through some magic combination of essay and poetry—by both zeroing in and staying open—she reveals the beauty, grief and absurdity that makes up our lives. In this episode we talk about her latest project, the recurring themes in her work, how she thinks about narrative, and the fact that she’s actually hilarious.

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Ep 130. Letter from Melbourne

Mid-October, 2020. Some more thoughts on energy, writing, not writing and the lesser poems of Anne Sexton.

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Ep 129. The Empty Show

My first full-length poetry collection, The Empty Show, is now officially launched. What a crazy thing to be able to say!

I’m so grateful to everyone who helped me bring this book into the world. You can see what the launch looked like below, and check out three reimagined poems from the book at theemptyshow.com.

Ep. 128 Oscar-worthy poems

Poems have weird jobs when they show up in movies. Sometimes they have to make up for a broader lack of meaning, or frame the theme of the movie in just a few seconds. Almost always, they’re positioned as something only a chosen few can truly understand.

Guest starring

Ep. 127 Liam Ferney: ‘Poetry is a galaxy’

I first encountered Liam Ferney’s poetry on an afternoon trip to Hill of Content. I liked his book so much it made me jealous, so I didn’t buy it (nice). In this chat we talk about everything from what can’t be a poem to writing from within a dominant community, masculinity, complicity, the pageantry of public opinion, and how Liam sometimes feels like he’s in dialogue with this very podcast.

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