Ep 204. Being bad

“I’m young and strong and nothing can touch me!”

Show notes

Berryman by W. S. Merwin

Ep 202. Who makes the poem?

What Pragmatism Means by William James

Matt interviews Matthew

Freckles on the Face of California by Halsey

Trash, Art and the Movies by Pauline Kael

The Only Living Boy in New York (2017)

Dark Victory (1939)

The History of Philosophy by A. C. Grayling

The lyre in the pawnshop: essays on literature and survival 1974-1984 by Fay Zwicky

Vicki Viidikas

Sylvia Plath

Michael Dransfield

Les Murray

Ars Poetica by Horace

The Art of Poetry by Kenneth Koch

SLEERICKETS Ep 85: Dying Is Easy

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Heaps more on bad (and good) poetry: SLEERICKETS

Ep 203. Sarah Holland-Batt: The poems themselves

Skepticism, change, and poems from Long Bay Gaol.

Show notes

Sarah Holland-Batt’s collections The Jaguar, The Hazards & Aria

Fishing for Lightning

Michael Massey Robinson

My episode about poet laureates

Australians all, let us read verse by Sarah Holland-Batt

Les Murray

Floral Tribute by Simon Armitage

Black Inc.s’ Best Australian Poems

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

Robert Adamson

Jorie Graham

A.R. Ammons

Louise Glück

Ep 175. with Pam Brown

Peter Porter

Fully Booked

Intro/outro: Rails by Bing and Ruth

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
O stay and hear: SLEERICKETS

Ep 202. Who makes the poem?

And who really pulled the trigger on JFK?

Hey, come see me at Lit Balm this weekend (5pm Saturday US East Coast time/9am Sunday Australian East Coast time).


Post Malone


Al Filreis

Joshua Mehigan

Sociological institutionalism



Aidan Coleman in my ep on John Forbes

Bean Spasms by Ted Berrigan

Billy Collins

The Malley hoax

Freckles on the Face of California by Halsey, who would hate to be called a “pop singer”.

That’s my OPINION

Halsey gets actual criticism

Darkness by Lord Byron

The red room

Vincent Buckley

Francis Webb

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
A damn good poetry podcast: SLEERICKETS

Ep 201. Haunted house of poetry

I need to go water my plant now.

Starter episodes: Tracy Ryan, Antonia Pont, Peak Poetry, Thuy On

Sister podcast SLEERICKETS Ep 81: The Eliza Effect, ft. Carmine Starnino

Googlecholia by Michael Farrell

Vincent Buckley

Brunswick Secondhand Books

I’m So Fine: A List of Famous Men & What I Had On by Khadija Queen

Walter Mosley

My conversation with James Jiang

French Exit (2020)

Peter Steele on Vincent Buckley

Outro: Dark Horse by The Great Wilderness

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Ep 200. Anti-insights

Friday arvo in the park.

Show notes

A Walk in Kensington Gardens by Dorothy Porter

Silent co-producer K

Elizabeth Morgan House

Antonia Pont

Dorothy Porter’s The Bee Hut

Ep 179. Solace & Trash

Cary Tennis: All the practice you get makes you better

David Ireland

Brendan Casey & the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy

Bruce Beaver (“your Manly lines”)

Ram Dass

Outro: The Move by Laura Stevenson (from Live at the Vera Club)

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Just a really fun poetry podcast: SLEERICKETS

Ep 199. Answered prayers

“More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones.”

Show notes

The Monthly’s culture issue

Strength to strength by Alison Croggan

The ideal reader by Gerald Murnane

Australians all, let us read verse by Sarah Holland-Batt

Les Murray

Les Murray in conversation at UTS

Kenneth Slessor

Ep 42. with Alan Wearne

Burton Raffel

Horace’s Ode I, 1

Slessor’s poems An Inscription for Dog River, Beach Burial & Five Bells

John Olsen’s painting Five Bells

Walking to Point Clear by David Brooks

Ep 106. with David Brooks

Capote on the Dick Cavett show, 1980

Horace’s Epistle I, 20

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
MBS goin’ in on the verse: SLEERICKETS

Ep 198. Felicity Plunkett on the poetry editor’s invisible work

Gatekeepers, puff pieces, labour and care.

Show notes

If I Had a Gun by Gig Ryan
Felicity Plunkett’s books Vanishing Point & A Kinder Sea
Ep. 196 with James Jiang
University of Queensland Press
David Malouf
Nathan Shepherdson
The Lost Arabs by Omar Sakr
Exactly As I Am by Rae White
Ep 170. with Kent MacCarter
Stuart Barnes
Beatrice Deloitte Davis
Jessica Wilkinson
Poetry on the Move & QPF curated by Shane Strange
Comfort Food by Ellen van Neerven
Poetry nights at Sappho Books curated by Toby Fitch
Heat journal
Jeff Shotts on the Art of Rejection
Judith Bishop
Anna Jacobson
Tracy Ryan
Rabbit 27: Tense
Felicity’s review of Stallings, Xie and Limón
Jordie Albiston’s Sonnet According to ‘M’ & Fifteeners
Catriona Menzies-Pike
Janet Frame
Ross Gibson
My interview with Waffle IronGirl on 3CR’s Spoken Word show
Intro/outro: Lights On A Leash by CIVL CIVIC

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Another great example of poetry+fury: SLEERICKETS

If I Had a Gun

by Gig Ryan

I’d shoot the man who pulled up slowly in his hot car this morning
I’d shoot the man who whistled from his balcony
I’d shoot the man with things dangling over his creepy chest
in the park when I was contemplating the universe
I’d shoot the man who can’t look me in the eye
who stares at my boobs when we’re talking
who rips me off in the milk-bar and smiles his wet purple smile
who comments on my clothes. I’m not a fucking painting
that needs to be told what it looks like.
who tells me where to put my hands, who wrenches me into position
like a meccano-set, who drags you round like a war
I’d shoot the man who couldn’t live without me
I’d shoot the man who thinks it’s his turn to be pretty
flashing his skin passively like something I’ve got
to step into, the man who says John’s a chemistry PhD
and an ace cricketer, Jane’s got rotten legs

who thinks I’m wearing perfume for him
who says Baby you can really drive like it’s so complicated,
male, his fucking highway, who says ah but you’re like that
and pats you on the head, who kisses you at the party because
everybody does it, who shoves it up like a nail
I’d shoot the man who can’t look after himself
who comes to me for wisdom
who’s witty with his mates about heavy things
that wouldn’t interest you, who keeps a little time
to be human and tells me, female, his ridiculous
private thoughts. Who sits up in his moderate bed
and says Was that good like a menu
who hangs onto you sloppy and thick as a carpet
I’d shoot the man last night who said Smile honey
don’t look so glum
with money swearing from his jacket
and a 3-course meal he prods lazily
who tells me his problems: his girlfriend, his mother,
his wife, his daughter, his sister, his lover
because women will listen to that sort of rubbish
Women are full of compassion and have soft soggy hearts
you can throw up in and no one’ll notice
and they won’t complain. I’d shoot the man
who thinks he can look like and excavation-site
but you can’t, who thinks what you look like’s for him
to appraise, to sit back, to talk his intelligent way.
I’ve got eyes in my fucking head. who thinks if he’s smart
he’ll get it in. I’d shoot the man who said
Andrew’s dedicated and works hard, Julia’s ruthlessly ambitious
who says I’ll introduce you to the ones who know
with their inert alcoholic eyes
that’ll get by, sad, savage, and civilised
who say you can like there’s a law against it
I’d shoot the man who goes stupid
in his puny abstract how-could-I-refuse-she-needed-me
taking her tatty head in his neutral arms like a pope
I’d shoot the man who pulled up at the lights
and revved the engine, who says you’re paranoid
with his educated born-to-it calm
who’s standing there wasted as a rifle
and explains the world to me. I’d shoot the man who says
Relax honey come and kiss my valium-mouth blue.

Ep 197. Fury

A completely normal, acceptable human emotion.

Show notes

Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under the Influence
Poems That Make Grown Women Cry
The Poetry Pharmacy
Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas
Jennifer Compton
SLEERICKETS Ep 7: My love is like a red, red grawlix
To Whoever Set My Truck on Fire by Steve Scafidi
Canto IX from Dante’s Inferno
Ep 195. with Harry Reid
Eleanor Jackson’s Gravidity and Parity
Fire Front: First Nations poetry and power today edited by Alison Whittaker
The Fury of Abandonment by Anne Sexton
Just Like You Imagined by Nine Inch Nails
Music/samples: 31 Ghosts IV by Nine Inch Nails

Ep 196. James Jiang: A certain claustrophobia

‘There’s something fraught about even the most informal encounters…’

Show notes

James Jiang’s article in the ABR: Blurb Praise and Hot Takes
Gareth Morgan’s review of Petra White’s Cities
Ben Etherington’s article The Poet Tasters
Ep 148. with Loki Liddle
The inimitable Martin Duwell
Ep 78. with Lisa Gorton
Fostered alike by beauty and by fear (Wordsworth)
Art historian Charles Harrison
The Lyre in the Pawnshop: Essays on Literature and Survival, 1974-1984
by Fay Zwicky
Go to Archives Fine Books before James buys all the good stuff
Ep 194. on teachers
The Barron Field Experience (with Justin, Adam & Brian.)
Writing Australian Unsettlement by Michael Farrell
Ned Kelly’s Jerilderie letter
Eve-Song by Dame Mary Gilmore
Intro/outro: Lights On A Leash by CIVL CIVIC

Email: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
A poetry podcast without the wariness: SLEERICKETS