Ep 205. Winnie Dunn: The realities of Australia

“It seemed like such a far-fetched notion that I could make something of myself as an artist…”

Show notes

Ask me anything! poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com

Good poetry podcasts Versecraft and Close Readings (and SLEERICKETS, of course)

Sweatshop Literacy Movement

Another Australia edited by Winnie Dunn (Affirm Press, 2022)

L-FRESH the Lion

Dr Michael Mohammed Ahmad

The Mother Wound by Amani Haydar

Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

The Big Black Thing: Chapter 1 edited by Michael Mohammed Ahmad, Winnie Dunn and Ellen van Neerven

Sweatshop Women

Winnie Dunn on The Garret

White Nation & Against Paranoid Nationalism by Professor Ghassan Hage

Arab, Australian, Other: Stories on Race and Identity edited by Randa Abdel-Fattah and Sara Saleh

The Growing Up series published by Black Inc.

Meet Me at the Intersection edited by Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina

Flock: First Nations Stories Then and Now edited by Ellen van Neerven

Nardi Simpson

Ep 132. with Anne-Marie Te Whiu

Moana Jackson

Ep. 124. with Gayatri Nair

Chris Liley (remember him?)

bell hooks

Cordite’s BROWNFACE issue