Ep 77. Notes from a writing retreat

At the end of May I had the chance to spend a full six days away from home at a writing retreat, working on poems. Here’s what I want to tell you about the things that became clear – about writing and not writing – while I was there.

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Ep 76. Will Druce with your Lorca 101

Latin American poetry is so vast and overwhelming! I don’t know where to start! Yep. But Will Druce is here with a rough guide to Federico García Lorca, a look at where his writing intersects with Frank O’Hara and Rimbaud, and plenty else to say about writing and reading outside English. We also chat about building and rebuilding poetry communities when moving around the world, not publishing, and straight up beauty.

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Ep 75. When Rumi is absolutely no help

Which poet is there for you when life gets particularly strange? Sorry Rumi, but it’s not you. Lately I’ve had cause to go back to Gertrude Stein and her beautifully strange poem Christian Bérard.

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Ep 74. Geraldine Burrowes on Michael Farrell and Claire Gaskin

Geraldine Burrowes came to poetry later in life from the world of visual art. We met in her beautiful apartment and talked about two poets who were influential in that transition – Michael Farrell and Claire Gaskin – along with what went into making her book pick up half under, out from the Rabbit Poets series. A warning: Geraldine’s enthusiasm for writing is highly infectious.

Ep 73. Inside a poetry workshop II: Erasure, cut-ups and villanelles

It’s a good day when you get to sit around a table with some friends and write something surprising. Here’s what happened when we tried our hands at cut-ups, erasure and the villanelle.

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Ep 72. Anupama Pilbrow on the moments in between

Anupama Pilbrow is co-editor at The Suburban Review and the author of Body Poems, just out from Vagabond Press. We recorded this conversation as Anupama was packing boxes on the eve of leaving Melbourne. Over tea we covered everything from her thoughts on moving to a new city to how poetry relates to pure mathematics, Kamala Das and waiting for that Jack Spicer moment.

Ep 70. Claire Gaskin on Gig Ryan

Sitting at Claire Gaskin’s kitchen table, I finally got to thank her for the ideas and poems she shared at a reading at Some Velvet Morning back in 2013, including Gig Ryan’s If I Had a Gun. We also talked about specificity, gender in poetry, writing from emotion, and took a good long look at Gig’s poem Eurydice’s Suburb.

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