Ep 277. George Mouratidis: Jelly and sewing machines

On not having to deal with arseholes or put up with bullshit.

George Mouratidis is published by Soul Bay Press

Kalliope X

Ep 273. Submit

Ep 196. with James Jiang



Liminal Magazine

Sticky Institute


Carlton North


John Waters


Vale Red Wheelbarrow Books

The Wheeler Centre

Allen Ginsberg

William Carlos Williams

Lionel Trilling

George’s article Does Mental Illness Beget Great Poetry?

William S. Burroughs

Kenneth Rexroth

Lawrence Ferlinghetti 

City Lights Bookstore

Lucy Van

Ling Toong

Diane Di Prima’s Revolutionary Letters & Loba 

Kate Middleton’s Television

Sydney Road

Izzy Roberts-Orr

Matt Wall

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 276. Ania Walwicz’s Australia pt. 1

“You big ugly…”

Show notes

Episode playlist

The episodes on Forbes and Porter

Australia by Ania Walwicz

Venus Bay

Surf diatom blooms (that brown stuff)


My Country by Dorothea Mackellar


Peter Brock

Molly Meldrum

Slim Dusty

How to End a Story by Helen Garner

Murray Bail

Peter Allen

That Qantas ad

The White Australia policy

1962 Four Corners vox pop on the White Australia policy

Danger Baby by Ender Başkan

John Cage

The Racial Discrimination Act 1975

The Whitlam dismissal

The Governor-General

I Have Decided to Remain Vertical by Gayelene Carbis

Ania Walwicz reads Little Red Riding Hood

RMIT University

Gertrude Stein

Australia by A. D. Hope

George Mouratidis

Terra nullius

The Mabo decision

2019 Wilson’s Promontory fires

Municipal Gum by Oodgeroo Noonuccal

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 275. The blue smoke of the mind

Shout out to Penola!

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

Mary Gilmore

John Shaw Neilson

The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry edited by John Kinsella

The Personal Element in Australian Poetry by James McAuley

Harold Stewart

Christopher Brennan

Ep 244. on Charles Harpur

Love’s Coming by John Shaw Neilson

The Hour of Parting by John Shaw Neilson

Voss by Patrick White (Laura is her name)

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

The Hour of Parting

By John Shaw Neilson

Shall we assault the pain?
It is the time to part:
Let us of Love again
Eat the impatient heart.

There is a gulf behind
Dull voice and fallen lip,
The blue smoke of the mind,
The gray light on the ship.

Parting is of the cold
That stills the loving breath,
Dimly we taste the old
The pitiless meal of Death.

274. Affinities and attentions

“So many dead mutants with grudges…”

flight animals by Bronwyn Lea

Hyperbole by Belinda Rule

Apollo Bay by William Fox

That secret show episode


Joshua Mehigan’s essay I thought you were a poet

Strangers in Paradise

Gig Ryan

Eileen Myles

Alice Notley

James Schuyler

The Female Homer by Jeremy Downes

Donna Haraway

The Pioneer by Frederick McCubbin (he lives, she dies)

The Bridge in-curve by Grace Cossington-Smith

The Bar by John Brack

Moonrise by David Davies

The Heidelberg School

The Everyman series

The Battle for Attention by Nathan Heller

Jonathan Farmer

The Conversation

Search Engine: Is there a sane way to use the internet?

Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey by Hayden Carruth

Graves by Hayden Carruth

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 273. Submit.


Fully half my brain is Spaced

The Grinder

Chill Subs


Jessica Wilkinson

Bonny Cassidy

The Empty Show

Michael Farrell

Elijah Blumov

Joshua Mehigan

Matthew Buckley Smith

Ryan Wilson

white nonsense

To my artist friends

The Dorothy Porter episodes Pt 1 & 2

The Bear

Cold Turkey by Joshua Mehigan (it’s not “my” it’s “our” in his)

Happiness by Jane Kenyon

I have no idea why I was so weird about Pretty Woman. Perfect film.

You are loved and missed, Bella.

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 272. Eva Birch: What’s the tea?

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

‘Bombala Boss’: Harry Reid in Conversation with Michael Farrell

The Melbourne School of Literature on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

D. Perez McVie

Elese Dowden

Lucy Van

James Jiang

Joshua Mehigan

Psychoanalysis, an Elegy by Jack Spicer

The House that Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer

Autumn Royal

Yale’s Milton lectures

Landspeed Records

Michael Farrell

Does mental illness beget great poetry? These 4 poets exposed the sickness of a society that sought to contain them by George Mouratidis

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 271. Love again

There’s something wrong with your priest.

The Odes of Horace translated by David Ferry

Our Horace episode on SLEERICKETS

Getting Horace Across by J. Kates

Horace iv.i ‘To Venus’

The Essential Horace translated by Burton Raffel

Late Night Ode by J. D. McClatchy

The Balcony by David Brooks

Fully Booked

The Penguin Book of Chinese Verse

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 270. Jonathan Farmer: “I don’t think I love poetry.”

The poetry bus looks fun, but…

Show notes

Recent SLEERICKETS: Paging Dr. Platzmouth & Against Literary Citizenship

That Peculiar Affirmative by Jonathan Farmer

The Fish and At The Fishhouses by Elizabeth Bishop

Finding a Long Gray Hair by Jane Kenyon

Alan Shapiro

Jonathan’s review of Colm Tóibín’s book On Elizabeth Bishop

Departing Afghanistan by William H. McRaven

James McAuley

Epitaph on a Tyrant by W. H. Auden

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS

Ep 269. Another ending

On not being up to the task.

An ode to the end of poetry by Stan Grant

Erik Jensen

Stan Grant leaves Q+A

Tracy K. Smith

The Slowdown

K & I track Nam Le’s poem Abbotsford I

36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem by Nam Le

A Poet’s Reckoning with What Poetry Can Do by Hanif Abdurraqib

Hanif Abdurraqib’s latest podcast Object of Sound

Modern Poetry by Diane Seuss

Ikiru (1952)

Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)

Thomas Shapcott

The Australian Dream (2019)

Philippa Hawker’s review of Anne Carson’s Wrong Norma

Nox by Anne Carson

Email me: poetrysayspod[at]gmail.com
Sister show: SLEERICKETS